I goofed last week and it really threw a wrench into our budget. It made it imperative that I utilize all I have in the freezers, frig and pantry to make it to the next pay period without having to buy too much. For this meal I found leftover pepperoni, sausage, red peppers and pizza sauce in the freezer. I had onions and ham in the frig and green peppers and Italian parsley and basil in the garden. I bought the thin crust pizza dough and the cheese. I know I could have made my own dough, but, I needed to bake for church tomorrow and that seemed like enough. We typically enjoy one “naughty” meal out over the weekend after my husband gets paid. I figured an easy meal of homemade stromboli would mimic that take-out treat  we are used to, without the expense.

I sauteed the meats and veg together in a little olive oil, added some garlic powder and black pepper, poured it on the crust on a cookie sheet, topped with cheese (used colby/jack because I’m using some for another recipe later on), and baked at 400 for 12 minutes. I topped this with the pizza sauce. It was better than take-out.

homemade stromboli


Yes. Those are biscotti cooling on the racks in the background.